Auto Insurance

What is auto insurance and why is it important in Florida?

  • Auto insurance is a type of insurance that provides financial protection in the event of an accident or other incident involving a motor vehicle. It is required by law in Florida and many other states, and it provides coverage for damages to your car, medical expenses, property damage, and more.

  • Auto insurance can provide peace of mind and financial security if you are ever involved in an accident or another unexpected incident.

  • In Florida, auto insurance is especially important due to the high number of drivers on the roads and the prevalence of severe weather events such as hurricanes. With auto insurance, you can rest assured that you are protected from any potential losses associated with owning a vehicle in Florida

Description of auto insurance coverage in Florida

  • Collision coverage - This is the part of your policy that covers your car in the event you damage the car itself somehow, as a result of an accident with a fixed or moving object like another car, a curb, a house, a guard rail, etc..

  • Comprehensive coverage - This protects your car in the event that something else damages your car, that is not a fixed, or moving object. For example, theft, a rock that cracks your windshield, an animal crossing the road, Flooding and more.

  • Property Damage - You damage someone’s car in an accident or an object that is not yours. This is the part of your policy that compensates the other person for that damage

  • Bodily Injury Liability - This coverage protects your financial interest in the event you injure another person in an accident. This is the part of your policy that pays others for their medical bills and related expenses.

  • Un-insured & Under-insured Liability - This coverage pays you, in the event that you are injured by another party, and that other party was not carrying enough coverage or no coverage at all. Florida has an extremely high amount of uninsured drivers.

What can Paradise Insurance Agency do for you?

  • Paradise Insurance Agency can insure any car, motorcycle, Antique, RV and much more

  • We can provide you insurance if you live in Naples or any other part Florida

  • If you were ever involved in an accident, and found to be at-fault for someone else’s bodily injuries, you could literally lose everything if you’re not properly insured. Our goal is to not let this happen.

Get a Quote

It takes insurance agents hundreds of hours to just get licensed. It takes months/years to fully understand Insurance. Doing an auto insurance quote yourself is like building a house without any prior knowledge.

It will be our pleasure to tailor a quote just for you!